Hair care & advice: Featuring Alba Botanica products

Are you a fan of strong healthy looking hair? Well, I'm here to give you my 4 steps  on how to maintain a good grade of hair. 




I first massage virgin coconut oil into the roots of my hair for extra hydration. The richness of the organic virgin coconut oil prevent dry, damage, and brittle hair. i find it to be a great natural way to help your hair grow longer, thicker, and faster. Once you start using this product, I promise you'll most likely be excited to incorporate it into your diet and personal hygiene.


After massaging the coconut oil, I then wash my hair with Alba Botanica "drink it up" Coconut milk shampoo. I think it's a great product for all textures of hair and on top of that it include 100% vegetarian ingredients. The product is affordable! Once you continuously use the Alba Botanica products, you will feel and see a difference in your hair right away. 


After washing the shampoo completely out, I applied the "drink me up" coconut milk conditioner, and I leave it in for about 3-5 mins. It restores the natural beauty of your hair, protect, and help realign and seal split ends.  you but it gives natural shine and movement. 


To give a natural shine and movement to the hair , I applied a deep condition. I put a plastic cap over my hair after applying so that the product can work at its full potential. I leave it in for about 25-30 min. I recommend to do a deep condition once or twice a mouth so you want dry your hair out.    for a complete soft feeling. 



Whatever you would like to do after these steps is all up to you. You will not be disappointed after using Alba Botanica products! These steps will take your hair from damage to fabulous over time. Be consistent and if you find these steps healthful be sure to share.